Mr. Indalkar-Patil Hanmant
Establishment Section (Incharge)
  • All Staff data record keeping & Updating in ERP Software.
  • All Types of Interview Related Work & Record Keeping of The Same.
  • Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Joining/Reliving Process As per Rayat Shikshan Sanstha Orde.r
  • Record Keeping of All Appointed Staff’s in Personal File As Per Index.
  • Roster & Service Book Updating of Appointed Staff As Per Rayat Shishan Sanstha Guideline.
  • Staff Approval Process – Regular & Local Selection Committee.
  • Daily Sign Muster Updating & Punching Report Verification.
  • Month wise finalization of Working Days of All Staff.
  • Record Keeping of All Types Resume’s / Job Application Received At Office.
  • Record Keeping of All Types Leave’s / Holidays.
  • Sending Notices Letter’s / SMS / E=Mails to Staff Members As Per Senior Orders..
  • Record Keeping & Distributing of Inward / Outward Letters-Staff Related.
  • Staff Data Updating on AISHE / AICTE Web Portal
  • Providing Staff Data Related to LIC / DTE / AICTE / SUK / DBATU Inspection.
  • Issuing Certificate As Per Teaching & Non-Teaching Staff Members Requirement.
  • Record Keeping of CR/MEMO of All Teaching Staff Members.
  • Record Keeping All Faculty & Non-Teaching Staff Members Self Appraisal Forms.